Nursing or bottle caries describes a condition of rampant dental caries found in young children feeding from a bottle during the night. The same condition is also seen in children who frequently breast feed and may also sleep with the mother at night and feed “at will”.
The reported prevalence of early childhood caries ranges from 2.5-15%.
Decay develops when sugars (present in milk, juice, cordial, fizzy drinks and other substances) are left to remain on the teeth for prolonged and frequent periods. Plaque (a sticky, almost invisible film of bacteria present on teeth) uses these sugars to produce an acid that attacks teeth. After many acid attacks the teeth can decay.
Dental caries (cavities or decay) is very common in children. Dental caries are holes in teeth that can lead to tooth pain and potentially tooth loss.
As parents we want our children to have strong teeth and without unnecessary trips to the dentist.
Primary (baby) teeth are important for eating and help to guide the permanent (adult) teeth into position.
The problem is caused by sticky deposits called plaque that collects, in particular, around the gum line, the edges of fillings and the grooved surfaces of the teeth.
Plaque is made up of food debris, saliva and the bacteria that are normally present in the mouth, and convert food into acids.
Prevention of dental trauma and other sporting injuries has become an even more important issue due to an increased popularity of contact and non-contact sport and combined with children participating in sport at a young age. Dental injuries are the most common type of orofacial injury sustained during the participation in sport.
One of the most cost-effective ways of protecting the teeth is to wear a custom fitted mouthguard.
It is widely thought that the use of mouthguards does provide protection against oral trauma.
At Castlegate Family Dental Care we encourage their use at all levels of sport.
Currently, there are three types of mouthguards available:
- Stock (Type I)
- Boil and Bite (Type II)
- Custom-made (Type III)
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) is a condition affecting the enamel of permanent teeth. Most commonly the first permanent molars and incisors are affected.
Normally, the enamel is white and very hard but in cases of MIH the enamel can be creamy or have a yellow/brown colour. The texture is often rough and tends to chip away very easily.
These teeth are often sensitive to cold and the child may be reluctant to brush them. They are also at a higher risk of developing dental caries (decay).
MIH has been described as a global dental problem. The prevalence varies considerably from a few percent in a study from China to almost 40% in Demark and Brazil. A study undertaken in Perth in 2008 stated a prevalence of 22%.
Currently, it is not mandatory for dental practices in Western Australia to become accredited. However, Dr Foster and the team at Castlegate Dental Care believe that it is imperative to not only provide the best dental care, but also to be accountable and self-reflective about all of the processes that concern patient relations, health and safety and legislative governance and to strive for perfection and improvement wherever they see the need.
Being a QIP Accredited practice means that Castlegate Family Dental Care’s valued patients, benefit from a number of governing policies that are put in place to provide a working model for best practice. One such policy, for example, allows us to utilise scrupulously observed infection control practices whenever you visit. All staff are conversant with the requirements of infection control set out by the relevant governing bodies both nationally and at state level and all staff receive regular training and updates in this critical area of patient care.

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